Marco Lupis

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Marco Lupis' official site - Oriente Estremo

Marco Lupis Macedonio Palermo di Santa Margherita

(Rome, Italy, 1960), is an Italian journalist

and photojournalist.

Born from an historical family from South of Italy,

he is the son of the 34th marquis Lupis,

don Giovanni IV Lupis Macedonio Palermo of Princes of Santa Margherita,

and the 12th duchess of San Donato, the late donna Marina Lebano Sanseverino.


He started his career in journalism after the universitary degree in Modern Literature, specialization in Art History.

He worked  for more than 25 years as foreign correspondent from the Far East, based in Hong Kong, for the most popular Italian magazines and newspapers, Panorama, Il Tempo, Corriere della Sera, L'Espresso, la Repubblica, and for the Italian State Television RAI (broadcasted in Mixer and Format, and in the main TV News Tg2 e Tg3). He also works for the Italian all-news channel, Rainews24). From Hong Kong he also acts as a correspondent for the Telegiornale della Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana, RTSI. Now for the Huffington Post

In more than 30 years and 700 reportages and articles, he described most of the historical changes in the last decades, mainly referring to the Far East and Latin America. As photojournalist, he often published his pictures, mainly in the Italian weekly magazines Sette and Io Donna (with the Corriere della Sera), and also il Venerdì and D La Repubblica delle Donne with La Repubblica,

During his many travels in his professional career, he visited more than 70 countries in the World, including the Antarctic continent, embedded with a Russian scientific expedition in the Antarctic Peninsula, in 2001, reaching the British Antarctic base of Port Lockroy on Goudier Island (64º49’S, 63º29’W)




1 Special Correspondent from Asia and Latin America


2 Books


3 Note


4 Links

Special Correspondent from Asia and Latin America

Several Marco Lupis’s reportages have been translated and published in the main international newspapers, like El Pais in Spain, El Clarin in Argentina and in the Washington Post in USA. [1]

In 1995, as special correspondent for Sette (the Corriere della Sera weekly magazine), he was the first Italian journalist to interview the Mexican revolutionary leader sub-comandante Marcos in the Mexican jungle of Chiapas. He was many times in the war zone, corresponding from the most important conflicts of the last decades, as the Kosovo war, and writing about the massacres following the declaration of independence in East Timor and many others, like the USA war activity on board of the American aircraft-carrier, Uss Roosevelt during the Kosovo War, the turn-over of the ex-colonies of Hong Kong and Macao to China and the dramatic SARS epidemic in China[3].




        From 1984 member if  International Federation of Journalists, (card n. 1691)                                                                                                                                Marco Lupis on board of an US-Army helicopter, going to the  American aircraft-carrier USS Roosevelt during the last Kosovo war


Marco Lupis on board of an US-Army helicopter, going

to the American aircraft-carrier USS Roosevelt during the last Kosovo war

Marco Lupis is a journalist, photojournalist and author who has worked as Italian most popular newspaper La Repubblica’s Hong Kong correspondent. Born in Rome in 1960, he has worked as a special and foreign correspondent the world over, but mainly in Latin America and the Far East, for major Italian publications (Panorama, Il Tempo, Corriere della Sera, L’Espresso and La Repubblica) and the state-owned broadcaster RAI.
Often posted to war zones, he was one of the few journalists to cover the massacres in the wake of the declaration of Timor-Leste’s independence, the bloody battles between Christians and Muslims in the Maluku Islands, the Bali bombings and the SARS epidemic in China. He covered the entire Asia-Pacific region, stretching from Hawaii to the Antarctic, for over a decade.
His articles, which often decry human rights abuses, have also appeared in daily newspapers in Spain, Argentina and the United States. Today he works for the Huffington Post.
Married twice, he now writes books full time and after more than twenty five years reporting around the world, when not traveling to the East, he lives again in his family mansion in Calabria, with Silvia, Caterina, Alessandro, seven cats (eight, at the moment, and counting...), several thousand books, some ancestors and many little trains.






bullet"Nel ventre del Dragone - Intervista a Marco Lupis" ("Marco Lupis interviewed") - 21st December, 2007; also here
bulletDomenico De Gaetano, Il cinema di Peter Greenaway, 1995, ISBN: 8871801121
bulletGiovanni Fiorentino, "L'occhio che uccide. La fotografia e la guerra: immaginario, torture, orrori", 2004, ISBN 8883533658, pag.17-18, 114; also on web.
bulletNina Betori, "Rosso sommerso", 2005, ISBN 8870638375, pag. 130; also on web.
bulletMarco Strano, "Mauale di criminologia clinica", Firenze, 2003, ISBN 8884650852, pag. 371 also on web here.
bulletMassimo Franco, "Il Re della Repubblica", Firenze, 1997, pag. 93 also on web here
bulletBeatrice Guarneri, Mina Gregori, "Paragone: rivista mensile di arte figurativa e letteratura", 1994, pag. 142 also on web
bulletUnited States Foreign Broadcast Information Service "Daily Report", 1996, pag. 82, also on web
bulletAdriano Purgato, "Fobie: le nuove ossessioni del secolo XXI", Castelvecchi, 2006, pag. 59, also on web here
bullet Marco Lupis, Entretiens du Siècle Court, Subcomandante Marcos: Venceremos! (Tot ou tard), pagg. 21-28, 2018  
bulletLa Notte della letteratura: Marco Lupis, primo giornalista italiano a intervistare il subcomanandante Marcos  
bulletMarco Lupis author page on Goodreads
bullet Le guerre (e le vittime) dimenticate, by Massimo Nava, Corriere della Sera, 05/31/2018  
bulletMarco Lupis sur TG1 RAI  
bulletMarco Lupis avec Vittorio Sgarbi au Festival des Livres de Urbino  
bulletDa Timor Est all'ex Jugoslavia: il racconto di Marco Lupis dai fronti caldi tornati nell'oblio, il Tempo  
bulletLiving among ancient presences, Il Gattopardo magazine, 05/07/2018  
bulletIl Marchese va alla guerra, Il Quotidiano del Sud, 04/22/2018  
bulletMarco Lupis on TV show "Geo", RAI3 Television network, by Sveva Sagramola (video)  
bulletMarco Lupis guest on Radio1 RAI, broadcast in "Zapping"






SARS Diario dall'emergenza - contenuto in AA.VV., SARS. Manuale di informazione e autodifesa, Roma, 2003, ISBN 88-8112-442-4


Il Circo - Introduzione al volume, Il Circo, Bolzano, 1988


Cesare Baglione attivo a Peschiera Borromeo - in AA.VV, Sibrium - Collana di Studi e Documentazione dei Musei Civici di Varese, vol. XVIII, 1985-86, Varese, ISSN 0559-9628


L'attività di Giovanni Ruggeri alla villa Griffoni-Sant'Angelo a Castel Gabbiano - in AA. VV. Insula Fulcheria - Rassegna di studi e documentazioni di crema e del Cremasco. vol. XVI, dicembre 1986, Crema


Una committenza farnesiana in Lombardia: le decorazioni tardo-cinquecentesche del castello di Peschiera Borromeo, in: I Quaderni di Gradoli. Bollettino del Centro di Studi e Ricerche sul territorio Farnesiano, fasc. 6., Gradoli, 1986


Traci, arte e cultura nelle terre di Bulgaria dalle origini alla tarda romanità, 1989


Il feudo di Cirella in Calabria e il Convento dei Minimi, in "Studi e Fonti Storiche della Società Genealogica Italiana", 2006-2009, anche [on line]


Successione del titolo ducale di San Donato e Policastrello, in "Quaderni della Società Genealogica Italiana", n. 1, 2006-2009, anche [on-line]


La Casa Cucco-Marino e le famiglie alleate. Storia e genealogia di alcune nobili casate della Contea di Borrello e dell’antico Stato di Arena, in "Quaderni della Società Genealogica Italiana", n. 3, 2006-2009


Un Capitano napoleonico dalla Calabria a Waterloo, in "Incontri mediterranei", n. 19, 2009, pagg. 203-214


''I Sanseverino Duchi di San Donato e Baroni di Càlvera'', 2017.  ISBN|978-8826053493


''Interviews fron the Short Century.'', 2017.  ISBN|978-8873045861 .


 ''Interviste del Secolo Breve'' (italian edition), 2017.  ISBN|978-8826054124 .


 ''Interviews aus dem kurzen Jahrhundert'' (german edition), 2017.  ISBN|978-8873045892 .


''Interviews fron the Short Century.'', 2017.  ISBN|978-8873045861 .


''Interviste del Secolo Breve'' (italian edition), 2017.  ISBN|978-8826054124 .


 ''Interviews aus dem kurzen Jahrhundert'' (german edition), 2017.  ISBN|978-8873045892 .


 'Interviews fron the Short Century.'' (russian edition), 2017.  ISBN|978-8873048565 .


''Entrevistas do Século Breve'' (portuguese edition), 2017.  ISBN|978-8873047599 .


''Entretiens du Siècle Court'' (french edition), 2017.  ISBN|978-8873046820 .


 ''Entrevistas del siglo corto '' (spanish edition), 2017.  ISBN|978-8873046523 .


 ''Il Male Inutile'', preface by Janine di Giovanni, Rubbettino, 2018.  ISBN|978-8849853308 .


 ''I cannibali di Mao (Oriente estremo/1)'', Rubbettino, 2019,  ISBN|978-8849857771


''Cristo si è fermato a Shingo (Oriente estremo/2)''.  ISBN|978-8827522943 . 2017.  ISBN|978-8873048565 .


"Hong Kong - Racconto di una città sospesa" , Il Mulino, 2021




  1.  El Pais, Spain - El Clarin, Argentina

  2.  Il Manifesto, Italy

  3.  SARS Patient Zero - by Marco Lupis



An article from La Repubblica newspaper.


An article from the Corriere della Sera newspaper


An article from L'Espresso newsmagazine


A reportage from Vietnam


A reportage from the Philippines


A reportage from Venezuela


A reportage from Japan


From the Tg2 of 18 of may, 2003.


Some interviews for the Italian State Radio Broadcasting]







                                                                                                                                            Lupis near the British Antarctic base of Port Lockroy


Lupis near the British Antarctic bay of Port Lockroy (BAT-British Antarctic Territories)


Contacts: write to me

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